
Plan your scientific year with NEB

The winning images for the NEB photo calendar 2025 have been chosen🙂

During the summer months, we called on all NEB teams worldwide to take part in the photo competition for the NEB Photo Calendar 2025. The response was overwhelming: we received countless fantastic images. Selecting the twelve best images was no easy task, but the winners have now been chosen.
This year, three photos from Germany have made it into the calendar. Congratulations!

Mr. Basler, Ms. Rumig and Ms. Gall have already been informed by us personally and have received their prizes. The winners will receive either a €500 research budget or a donation of the same amount to a charitable organization of their choice.

The winning photos:

Congratulations from the NEB team!


Fabian Basler, Cologne, Germany
Bee collecting pollen from a flower, Bonn University Botanic Gardens, Germany.


Tanja Gall, Göttingen, Germany
Pink and purple chrysanthemum, Garden Show Heilbronn, Germany.


Cordula Rumig, Heidelberg, Germany
Sunset in the dunes, Amrum Island, North Sea Coast, Germany.

Ich möchte den NEB Kalender 2025 bestellen:

Der NEB Fotokalender wird nur an institutionelle/ dienstliche Anschriften versendet. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre unten angegebene dienstliche Anschrift korrekt ist, damit der Kalender auch pĂĽnktlich bei Ihnen ankommt.

Felder mit einem * mĂĽssen ausgefĂĽllt werden

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