NEB offers a variety of DNA Ladders with sizes ranging from 25 bp to 40 kb for use in agarose gel electrophoresis. NEB also offers a wide range of conventional double-stranded DNA molecular weight markers. These standards have a size range of approximately 10 bp to 23,000 base pairs.
All markers and ladders come with a free separate tube of the unique purple gel loading dye.
Your benefit: This new dye does not cast UV shadows.
Our growing line of DNA Ladders includes the Fast DNA Ladder designed for use with fast electrophoresis systems.
Convenient Formats
The TriDye™ DNA Ladders are pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight markers containing 3 dyes which serve as visual aids to monitor the progress of migration during agarose gel electrophoresis.
The Quick-Load® DNA Ladders are pre-mixed, ready-to-load molecular weight markers containing bromophenol blue or purple dyes for tracking.
Available DNA Ladders/ Markers:
As of: 03.01.2024
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