NEBNext Automation

Scale up and automate your NGS projects using NEBNext Workflows, reagents and kits!

Regardless whether you are in an academic Lab, a NGS Core Facility or in the industrial landscape – as sequencing instrument capacity is increasing, and the ever-growing range of sequencing applications is demanding expanded sample preparation throughputs, many NGS users are turning to automation.

Manual preparation of large numbers of libraries can result in a sequencing workflow bottleneck, where the automation of workflows can provide a valuable solution to master these challenges and to maintain competitiveness and sustainability of any modern sequencing laboratory.

NGS Libary Prep with NEBNext

Some crucial and decisive parameters for automation include a high scalability and fast workflows, reagent and process stability, reagent cost per reaction, and most importantly the quality of the sequencing data.

No matter if small partial automation or complete “walk away” solution – more and more laboratories choose to automate both DNA and RNA library prep workflows and benefit from the advantages of our NEBNext products:

  • One central NEBNext Ultra II DNA workflow that is the core of the majority of the NEBNext workflows
  • Modularity of workflows allows a maximum in flexibility with minimal effort during implementation of optional, additional modules (e.g. Ultra II RNA, Single Cell RNA Seq)
  • Automation-friendly workflows with a minimum in cleanup steps and effective utilization of resources
  • Reagent and process stability regardless of the input amount to guarantee consistent library quality and yield
  • Reduced costs by minimizing the consumption of consumables for a low price per reaction
  • Optimized volumes of reagents provided to allow a robust automation process
  • Highly flexible as protocols are available for many different liquid handling automation platforms

Automation-friendly “by nature”:

You can use our regular and inexpensive NEBNext catalogue products for the automation of the NEBNext workflows – no expensive special formulations are required. However, if desired, we can certainly also offer a “customized solution”, that is tailored to your particular needs.

  • One central NEBNext Ultra II DNA workflow that is the core of the majority of the NEBNext workflows
  • Modularity of NEBNext workflows allows for a simple automation process
  • Reagent and process stability regardless of the input amount
  • High scalability and flexibility
  • Robust reagents guarantee consistent library quality and yield
  • Reduced consumption of consumables for a low price per reaction
  • Optimized volumes of reagents provided to allow a robust automation process

„NEB is currently the only company, which is offering really ``automation friendly`` library preparation kits. The volumes of components are calculated to cover for unavoidable deadvolumes, reactant volumes are in range of most automated platforms. The stability of the NEBNext chemistry allows a broad range of automation strategies.“

Dr. Jürgen Zimmermann, Senior Engineer - Automation in GeneCore, EMBL Heidelberg, Deutschland

High flexibility as protocols are available for different liquid handling automation platform providers – excerpt from our project list

NEBNext reagents have been automated on various liquid handling automation platforms, including:

  • Beckman Coulter
  • Eppendorf
  • Hamilton
  • MGI
  • PerkinElmer
  • Tecan
Several applications have already been automated with NEBNext reagents, such as:

  • DNA-Seq
  • Directional RNA-Seq
  • Enzymatic Methyl-Seq
  • Target Enrichment

Fast implementation and turnaround with NEBNext reagents:
Many liquid handling automation platforms can already be purchased with validated NEBNext scripts directly from the robotics manufacturer. This way workflows can be established and adapted to your needs in a very short time.

Product Name Article number: Beckman Coulter Eppendorf Hamilton MGI Perkin Elmer Tecan
DNA Sequencing
NEBNext Ultra II DNA E7645 X X X X X
NEBNext Ultra II FS DNA E7805 X X X X
NEBNext UltraExpress DNA E3325 X
NEBNext UltraExpress FS DNA E3340 X
NEBNext EM-Seq E7120 X X
DNA Targeted Sequencing
NEBNext Direct Genotyping Solution E9500 X
RNA Sequencing
NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA E7760 X X X X X
NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module E7490 X X X X
NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit
(Human, Mouse, Rat)
E6310 X X
NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit v2
(Human, Mouse, Rat)
E7400 X X X X
NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit (Bacteria) E7850 X X X
NEBNext Single Cell/Low Input RNA E6420 X
SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Sequencing
NEBNext ARTIC SARS-CoV-2 FS Library Prep Kit E7658 X

Please contact our automation specialists:
We are happy to advise and assist you with your automation project!

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Your preferred liquid handling automation platform or robotics manufacturer is not listed? Then please contact our automation specialists – we will be happy to advise and assist you with your automation project!

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