NEBNext Kits for MGI Sequencing

NEBNext Library Prep Kits for MGI Sequencing

For over 15 years, NEBNext has been actively enabling discovery in genomics with its range of library preparation reagents for a variety of sequencing platforms. As newer platforms emerge, NEB seeks to support users with high quality, reliable molecular biology reagents and streamlined, user-friendly workflows. The newest range of NEBNext library prep products are for MGI sequencing applications. With the NEBNext Library Prep Kits for MGI, you can now prepare high-quality libraries from DNA or RNA for subsequent sequencing using MGI DNA nanoball technology.

The NEBNext Library Prep Kits for MGI are used in conjunction with NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for MGI and libraries are circularized using the NEBNext Circularization Module for MGI before sequencing.

  • Fast workflows
  • High library yields
  • Broad input ranges
  • Uniform transcript & GC coverage
  • Minimized adaptor-dimers

„We have been using MGI sequencing systems since 2020 and we observed a significant improvement with NEB´s NEBNext solutions for MGI in both library prep performances and sequencing quality metrics reaching impressive Q40 results.“

Davide Cacchiarelli, PhD University of Naples, Italy

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NEBNext FS DNA Library Prep Kit for MGI

  • Streamlined workflow including enzymatic DNA fragmentation
  • Enables production of high-quality libraries from 0.1–500 ng input DNA
  • Excellent sequencing metrics across the input range

FIGURE 1: NEBNext FS DNA Library Prep Kit for MGI workflow

FIGURE 2: The NEBNext FS DNA Library Prep Kit for MGI enables robust library preparation over a wide input range without adaptor dimers

Libraries were prepared from 0.1–500 ng of human gDNA (NA12878, Coriell Institute for Medical Research) with the indicated PCR cycles. Size selection was performed for a 250 bp average fragment size, except for the 0.1 ng input, where bead cleanup was conducted to avoid excess sample loss and to preserve library complexity. Stock adaptor concentration was used for all input amounts except for 0.1 ng, where a 10-fold dilution of the stock was applied. No traces of adaptor dimer were observed (at ~150 bp) at all input levels (A). Robust library yields were obtained across input amounts. Each bar represents the average of 8–18 replicates, with error bars indicating standard deviation (B). M = Marker

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NEBNext RNA Library Prep Kit für MGI

  • Compatible with rRNA depletion or poly(A) enrichment protocols
  • High-quality directional RNA libraries from 10 ng–1 μg total RNA
  • Provides excellent transcript correlation between inputs and replicates

FIGURE 3: NEBNext RNA Library Prep Kit for MGI workflow

FIGURE 4: The NEBNext RNA Library Prep Kit for MGI produces
high library yields across a range of inputs

A.  Poly(A)-containing mRNA was isolated from Universal Human Reference RNA (UHRR) (Agilent), using the NEBNext Poly(A) mRNA Magnetic Isolation Module (NEB #E7490). Libraries were prepared using the NEBNext RNA Library Prep Kit for MGI using the recommendations for adaptor dilution and PCR cycles included in the kit protocol.
B.  Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) was depleted from UHRR (NEBNext rRNA Depletion Kit v2 (Human/Mouse/Rat), NEB #E7400) and libraries were prepared using the NEBNext RNA Library Prep Kit for MGI, following the recommendations for adaptor dilution and PCR cycles included in the
kit protocol.
Library yields calculated from an average of three replicates are shown with error bars indicating the standard deviation between replicates.

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NEBNext FS DNA Library Prep Kit for MGI E9705S 24 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext FS DNA Library Prep Kit for MGI E9705L 96 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext Circularization Module for MGI E9720S 24 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext RNA Library Prep Kit for MGI E9710S 24 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext RNA Library Prep Kit for MGI E9710L 96 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for MGI (Dual Index Primer Pairs Set 1) E9725S 24 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon
NEBNext Multiplex Oligos for MGI (Dual Index Primer Pairs Set 1) E9725L 96 rxns NEB Shop_icon NEB Info_icon

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